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MineAdmin's events are based on hyperf/event. To understand how events operate, please refer to the Hyperf documentation. This article will not further elaborate on the event mechanism.

Default Built-in Listeners

ErrorExceptionHandlerWhen an error occurs, if the current error reporting level matches the given error level, an ErrorException is thrown
UploadSubscriberDefault file upload handling
BootApplicationSubscriberRegisters the seeders and migrations directories under the databases directory to the global migration instance when the application starts
DbQueryExecutedSubscriberPrints the SQL information for each execution based on the env configuration
FailToHandleSubscriberPrints error information when a Command execution fails
ResumeExitCoordinatorSubscriberHandles Worker process exit
QueueHandleSubscriberPrints queue-related information when a queue is executed
RegisterBlueprintListenerRegisters new Blueprint methods
