User Authentication
MineAdmin's authentication process is built using the mineadmin/auth-jwt component combined with the mineadmin/jwt component, which integrates with lcobucci/jwt. This article will focus on how to use JWT for user authentication in MineAdmin.
Quickly Get the Current User in the Controller
It is not recommended to inject this object outside of the controller. For operations involving the user in the service, the user instance should be passed into the service method to ensure that the user is obtained within the HTTP request cycle.
Use App\Http\CurrentUser
to quickly get the current request's user object.
class TestController {
public function __construct(private readonly CurrentUser $currentUser){};
public function test(){
return $this->success('CurrentUser: '. $this->currentUser->user()->username);
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namespace App\Http;
use App\Model\Enums\User\Type;
use App\Model\Permission\Menu;
use App\Model\Permission\Role;
use App\Model\Permission\User;
use App\Service\PassportService;
use App\Service\Permission\UserService;
use Hyperf\Collection\Collection;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\RegisteredClaims;
use Mine\Jwt\Traits\RequestScopedTokenTrait;
final class CurrentUser
use RequestScopedTokenTrait;
public function __construct(
private readonly PassportService $service,
private readonly UserService $userService
) {}
// Get the current user model instance
public function user(): ?User
return $this->userService->getInfo($this->id());
// Refresh the current user's token, returns [access_token=>'xxx',refresh_token=>'xxx']
public function refresh(): array
return $this->service->refreshToken($this->getToken());
// Quickly get the current user id (without querying the database)
public function id(): int
return (int) $this->getToken()->claims()->get(RegisteredClaims::ID);
* Used to get the current user's menu tree list
* @return Collection<int,Menu>
public function menus(): Collection
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
return $this->user()->getMenus();
* Used to get the current user's role list [ [code=>'xxx',name=>'xxxx'] ]
* @return Collection<int, Role>
public function roles(): Collection
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
return $this->user()->getRoles()->map(static fn (Role $role) => $role->only(['name', 'code', 'remark']));
// Check if the current user's user_type is of system type
public function isSystem(): bool
return $this->user()->user_type === Type::SYSTEM;
// Check if the current user has super admin privileges
public function isSuperAdmin(): bool
return $this->user()->isSuperAdmin();
Create Separate JWT Generation Rules for External Programs
In daily application development, the backend and frontend applications usually use two different generation rules. In MineAdmin, refer to this section for this requirement.
- Create a new
in the env file. The value is a random string encoded in base64. - Create a new scenario in
. - Create a new
middleware specifically for verifying the new scenario JWT. - Use the
middleware in your frontend controller for user verification. - Add a new
method inPassportService
#other ...
// config/autoload/jwt.php
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use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Hmac\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\RegisteredClaims;
use Mine\Jwt\Jwt;
return [
'default' => [
// jwt configuration
'driver' => Jwt::class,
// jwt signing key
'key' => InMemory::base64Encoded(env('JWT_SECRET')),
// jwt signing algorithm options
'alg' => new Sha256(),
// token expiration time in seconds
'ttl' => (int) env('JWT_TTL', 3600),
// refresh token expiration time in seconds
'refresh_ttl' => (int) env('JWT_REFRESH_TTL', 7200),
// blacklist mode
'blacklist' => [
// whether to enable the blacklist
'enable' => true,
// blacklist cache prefix
'prefix' => 'jwt_blacklist',
// blacklist cache driver
'connection' => 'default',
// blacklist cache time, must be set longer than the token expiration time, preferably the same as the expiration time
'ttl' => (int) env('JWT_BLACKLIST_TTL', 7201),
'claims' => [
// default jwt claims
RegisteredClaims::ISSUER => (string) env('APP_NAME'),
// When you want to use different scenarios, you can add configurations here. You can fill in one, and others will use the default configuration.
'api' => [
'key' => InMemory::base64Encoded(env('JWT_API_SECRET')),
* This file is part of MineAdmin.
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namespace App\Http\Api\Middleware;
use Mine\Jwt\JwtInterface;
use Mine\JwtAuth\Middleware\AbstractTokenMiddleware;
final class ApiTokenMiddleware extends AbstractTokenMiddleware
public function getJwt(): JwtInterface
// Specify the scenario as the one created in the previous step
return $this->jwtFactory->get('api');
* This file is part of MineAdmin.
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namespace App\Http\Admin\Controller;
use App\Http\Admin\Request\Passport\LoginRequest;
use App\Http\Admin\Vo\PassportLoginVo;
use App\Http\Common\Controller\AbstractController;
use App\Http\Common\Middleware\AccessTokenMiddleware;
use App\Http\Common\Middleware\RefreshTokenMiddleware;
use App\Http\Common\Result;
use App\Http\CurrentUser;
use App\Model\Enums\User\Type;
use App\Schema\UserSchema;
use App\Service\PassportService;
use Hyperf\Collection\Arr;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\Middleware;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface;
use Hyperf\Swagger\Annotation as OA;
use Hyperf\Swagger\Annotation\Post;
use Mine\Jwt\Traits\RequestScopedTokenTrait;
use Mine\Swagger\Attributes\ResultResponse;
#[OA\HyperfServer(name: 'http')]
final class PassportController extends AbstractController
use RequestScopedTokenTrait;
public function __construct(
private readonly PassportService $passportService,
private readonly CurrentUser $currentUser
) {}
path: '/admin/api/login',
operationId: 'ApiLogin',
summary: 'System Login',
tags: ['api:passport']
instance: new Result(data: new PassportLoginVo()),
title: 'Login Success',
description: 'Login success return object',
example: '{"code":200,"message":"Success","data":{"access_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MjIwOTQwNTYsIm5iZiI6MTcyMjA5NDAiwiZXhwIjoxNzIyMDk0MzU2fQ.7EKiNHb_ZeLJ1NArDpmK6sdlP7NsDecsTKLSZn_3D7k","refresh_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MjIwOTQwNTYsIm5iZiI6MTcyMjA5NDAiwiZXhwIjoxNzIyMDk0MzU2fQ.7EKiNHb_ZeLJ1NArDpmK6sdlP7NsDecsTKLSZn_3D7k","expire_at":300}}'
#[OA\RequestBody(content: new OA\JsonContent(
ref: LoginRequest::class,
title: 'Login Request Parameters',
required: ['username', 'password'],
example: '{"username":"admin","password":"123456"}'
public function loginApi(LoginRequest $request): Result
$username = (string) $request->input('username');
$password = (string) $request->input('password');
$ip = Arr::first(array: $request->getClientIps(), callback: static fn ($val) => $val ?: null, default: '');
$browser = $request->header('User-Agent') ?: 'unknown';
// todo get user system
$os = $request->header('User-Agent') ?: 'unknown';
return $this->success(
namespace App\Service;
use App\Exception\BusinessException;
use App\Exception\JwtInBlackException;
use App\Http\Common\ResultCode;
use App\Model\Enums\User\Type;
use App\Repository\Permission\UserRepository;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token\RegisteredClaims;
use Lcobucci\JWT\UnencryptedToken;
use Mine\Jwt\Factory;
use Mine\Jwt\JwtInterface;
use Mine\JwtAuth\Event\UserLoginEvent;
use Mine\JwtAuth\Interfaces\CheckTokenInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
final class PassportService extends IService implements CheckTokenInterface
* @var string jwt scenario
private string $jwt = 'default';
public function __construct(
protected readonly UserRepository $repository,
protected readonly Factory $jwtFactory,
protected readonly EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher
) {}
* @return array<string,int|string>
public function login(string $username, string $password, Type $userType = Type::SYSTEM, string $ip = '', string $browser = 'unknown', string $os = 'unknown'): array
$user = $this->repository->findByUnameType($username, $userType);
if (! $user->verifyPassword($password)) {
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(new UserLoginEvent($user, $ip, $os, $browser, false));
throw new BusinessException(ResultCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, trans('auth.password_error'));
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(new UserLoginEvent($user, $ip, $os, $browser));
$jwt = $this->getJwt();
return [
'access_token' => $jwt->builderAccessToken((string) $user->id)->toString(),
'refresh_token' => $jwt->builderRefreshToken((string) $user->id)->toString(),
'expire_at' => (int) $jwt->getConfig('ttl', 0),
* @return array<string,int|string>
public function loginApi(string $username, string $password, Type $userType = Type::SYSTEM, string $ip = '', string $browser = 'unknown', string $os = 'unknown'): array
$user = $this->repository->findByUnameType($username, $userType);
if (! $user->verifyPassword($password)) {
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(new UserLoginEvent($user, $ip, $os, $browser, false));
throw new BusinessException(ResultCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, trans('auth.password_error'));
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(new UserLoginEvent($user, $ip, $os, $browser));
$jwt = $this->getApiJwt();
return [
'access_token' => $jwt->builderAccessToken((string) $user->id)->toString(),
'refresh_token' => $jwt->builderRefreshToken((string) $user->id)->toString(),
'expire_at' => (int) $jwt->getConfig('ttl', 0),
public function getApiJwt(): JwtInterface{
// Fill in the scenario value from the previous step
return $this->jwtFactory->get('api');
public function getJwt(): JwtInterface
return $this->jwtFactory->get($this->jwt);
Before reading this document, you should have a basic understanding of JWT. This article will not explain the related basics.
The Difference Between Dual Tokens
In MineAdmin, two tokens are returned upon successful login: access_token
and refresh_token
. The former access_token
is used for business user authentication, while the latter refresh_token
is used for seamless refreshing of access_token
. For the specific refresh process, refer to Dual Token Refresh Mechanism.
The refresh_token
has an additional sub
attribute compared to access_token
, with the value refresh
, indicating that this token can only be used to refresh the access_token. Additionally, this token can only be refreshed once and becomes invalid afterward. The next refresh must use a new refresh_token.
The id
attribute of both tokens stores the user's id.
The verification of access_token is determined by the App\Http\Common\Middleware\AccessTokenMiddleware
middleware, while the verification of refresh_token is determined by the App\Http\Common\Middleware\RefreshTokenMiddleware
Both of these inherit from Mine\JwtAuth\Middleware\AbstractTokenMiddleware