This article will explain how to deploy the frontend and backend applications of MineAdmin in a production environment.
Service Deployment
Generally, in modern server-side applications, deployment is usually done using Docker. MineAdmin also provides an out-of-the-box Dockerfile to allow for quick service deployment. In some cases, you may need to deploy directly on a server. Below are two deployment methods to get you started quickly.
Direct Deployment on a Server
If you need to deploy MineAdmin directly on a server, the server must meet the following system requirements:
Please search for relevant tutorials on installing PHP and its extensions, as this will not be explained here.
- PHP >= 8.1
- cURL PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO Extension
- Redis Extension
- Json Extension
- PDO_MYSQL Extension (Optional)
- PDO_PGSQL Extension (Optional)
- Swoole >= 5.1 Extension (Optional)
- Swow >= 1.5 or develop (Optional)
Navigate to the project directory and execute:
php bin/hyperf.php start
This will start the application successfully.
By default, the application does not provide a daemon option. We recommend using third-party applications like supervisord to keep the application running persistently. For more information, refer to the Hyperf documentation.
Container Deployment (Recommended)
If you want to deploy the application as a container service, you can use the Dockerfile provided in the project. The process is straightforward.
First, ensure that Docker is installed on the server.
Then, navigate to your project directory:
cd yourProject
Execute docker build . -t mineadmin
to build the image:
# -t parameter details can be found online, not explained here
docker build . -t mineadmin
Next, execute docker run
to start a container:
docker run -d --name mineadmin mineadmin
This completes the deployment of the project's backend service.
The above two deployment methods assume that the .env file has already been configured.
Reverse Proxy
It is never recommended to expose the application directly to the public network. It is best to add a layer of proxy forwarding.
This article will provide several reverse proxy examples.
If you deploy the application on a server running Nginx, you can refer to the following reverse proxy configuration file as a starting point for your site.
location ^~ /
# Application port
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header REMOTE-HOST $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# proxy_hide_header Upgrade;
add_header X-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
#Set Nginx Cache
set $static_fileyqrHU0ll 0;
if ( $uri ~* "\.(gif|png|jpg|css|js|woff|woff2)$" )
set $static_fileyqrHU0ll 1;
expires 1m;
if ( $static_fileyqrHU0ll = 0 )
add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
K8s Ingress
If you deploy the application in a K8s cluster, you can refer to the following configuration instructions.
Create a Service
# Kubernetes API version
apiVersion: v1
# Resource object type is Service
kind: Service
# Service metadata
# Name of the service
name: mineadmin-service
# Service specification
# Selector to associate the service with Pods
app: mineadmin-server
# Ports exposed by the service
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 9501
Create Ingress Resource
# Resource object type is Ingress
kind: Ingress
# Name of the Ingress resource
name: mineadmin-ingress
# Rewrite target path /
# List of Ingress rules
# Applies to requests with hostname
- host:
# Handle HTTP requests
# Match the root path
- path: /
# Path matching type is Prefix
pathType: Prefix
# Define the backend service to which requests are routed
# Specify the backend service as a Kubernetes service
# Name of the backend service is "mineadmin-service", as defined earlier
name: mineadmin-service
# Port number of the backend service is 80. Requests will be forwarded to this port.
number: 80
Debug Mode
In the config/config.php
configuration file, the debug option determines how much error information is actually displayed to the user. By default, this option is set according to the environment variable APP_DEBUG
, which is stored in your project's .env
In a production environment, this value should always be false
. Setting it to true
in a production environment may risk exposing sensitive information to users.
Service Deployment
Direct Deployment on a Server
If you want to deploy the MineAdmin frontend service directly on a server, using the classic Nginx service as an example:
First, generate static resources by executing pnpm build
in your project's web
directory. Note: This can be done on the server or locally in advance.
Then, place your static resources in the site directory to complete the installation.
Container Deployment (Recommended)
Similar to the backend, we provide a Dockerfile
for frontend packaging. Navigate to your application's web
directory and execute:
docker build . -t frontend
This will package the application into an Nginx image.
You can then start a container service using this image:
docker run -d --name frontend frontend
Configure the site's reverse proxy to [container IP:80]
to complete the deployment.