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Quick Start

Starting from version 3.0, both the frontend and backend are housed in a single repository, so we recommend installing the backend first. The frontend source code will be downloaded along with the backend's web directory to your local machine.

Download the Code


Use the Git tool to install this project. Ensure that you have the Git tool installed locally.

First, download the code to your local machine by executing the following command. YourProject is the name of the new application directory. If not provided, it defaults to mineadmin.

git clone https://github.com/mineadmin/MineAdmin.git

Install and Start the System

In the previous section, we covered downloading the project code and setting up the environment. Next, we will explain how to configure the system and start it.


Regardless of the method used to download the system code, you need to copy the .env.example file from the root directory to .env and configure the database and Redis settings in the .env file before proceeding to the next step.

Backend Installation


If you are using a local environment, after configuring the .env file, you can proceed to Backend Installation.


If you choose to develop with Docker, there are a few more steps to set up the environment.

docker-compose up -d

MineAdmin comes with a well-prepared docker-compose.yml file. Simply execute the following command in the project directory to set up the environment.

Docker Build

If you want to build your own container image, we have prepared a Dockerfile for you. You just need to execute the following commands in the project directory to set up the environment.

# Build the image
docker build . -t mineadmin

# Start a container
docker run -d --name mineadmin -p 9501:9501 -v .:/opt/www mineadmin

Backend System Installation

Execute the following commands:

composer install -vvv
php bin/hyperf.php migrate
php bin/hyperf.php db:seed

Frontend Installation

We recommend using nvm for local Node version management.

Navigate to your_project_path/web directory and execute:

# Install frontend dependencies
pnpm i 
# Start local development server
pnpm dev
