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Application Release

Package and release your application

Application Packaging

Once your application development is complete, you can upload it to the official app marketplace for others to download and use.

Packaging Notes

  • Please compress the files at the root directory, meaning the compressed file should directly display the file list when opened, without an additional folder layer. For example, package the following structure:
xmo@XMo:/opt/www/plugin/mine-admin/app-store$ ls -l
total 0
-rwxrwxrwx 1 xmo xmo   1 Apr 22 16:34 install.lock
-rwxrwxrwx 1 xmo xmo 420 May 27 10:11 mine.json
drwxrwxrwx 1 xmo xmo 512 May 27 10:11 src
  • Ensure that all required information in mine.json is filled out completely; otherwise, the application cannot be published normally.
  • After uploading, the application will undergo our review process. It will only be displayed in the app marketplace once it passes the review. Please be aware of this.

Application Version Control

To maintain the health, reliability, and security of the MineAdmin ecosystem, we recommend following the semantic versioning spec when releasing significant updates to your applications.


We suggest starting your application version at 1.0.0 and incrementing as follows:

Code StatusStage DescriptionRuleExample Version
Initial ReleaseNew version launchStart at
Backward-compatible bug fixesBug fixes, patch releaseIncrement the third digit1.0.1
Backward-compatible new featuresMinor feature additions, minor releaseIncrement the second digit1.1.0
Breaking changes that are not backward-compatibleMajor updates, major releaseIncrement the first digit2.0.0
