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mine.json Explanation and Example

A complete example and explanation of an application configuration file

Attribute List Explanation

nameComposed of user namespace/application identifiermine-admin/apps-store
descriptionApplication introductionMineAdmin Application Market Visual Plugin
versionCurrent version of the application1.0.0
typeApplication type: mixed (full application), backend (backend), frontend (frontend)mixed
authorApplication author information-
package.dependenciesFrontend dependency configuration information, specifying the dependencies and versions required by the frontend, which will be installed during application installation-
composerBackend composer configuration, see detailed table below-

Composer Configuration Explanation

requireSet backend dependencies and versions, which will be installed during application installation"hyperf/async_queue": "3.1.*" Specifies async queue dependency and version
psr-4Set the namespace for the plugin code directory"Plugin\MineAdmin\AppStore\": "src"
scriptScript commands to executeFor example, the following file executes the command to publish the async queue configuration file
configHyperf configuration file service provider-

mine.json File Content

Below is an example

  "name": "mine-admin/apps-store",
  "description": "MineAdmin Application Market Visual Plugin",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "type": "mixed",
  "author": [
      "name": "zds",
      "role": "developer"
  "package": {
    "dependencies": {

  "composer": {
    "require": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Plugin\\MineAdmin\\AppStore\\": "src"
    "script": {
      "publishAsyncQueue": "php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf/async-queue"
    "config": "Plugin\\MineAdmin\\AppStore\\ConfigProvider"
