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System Parameter Configuration

Configuration Files

  • Default configuration file: src/provider/settings/index.ts
  • Custom configuration file: src/provider/settings/settings.config.ts

To modify the configuration, copy the default configuration to the settings.config.ts file and then make your changes. The system will automatically merge the configurations upon loading.

Default Configuration

const defaultGlobalConfigSettings: RecursiveRequired<SystemSettings.all> = {
  app: {
    colorMode: 'autoMode',
    useLocale: 'zh_CN',
    whiteRoute: ['login'],
    layout: 'classic',
    pageAnimate: 'ma-slide-down',
    enableWatermark: false,
    primaryColor: '#2563EB',
    asideDark: false,
    showBreadcrumb: true,
    loadUserSetting: true,
    watermarkText: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TITLE,
  welcomePage: {
    name: 'welcome',
    path: '/welcome',
    title: 'Welcome Page',
    icon: 'icon-park-outline:jewelry',
  mainAside: {
    showIcon: true,
    showTitle: true,
    enableOpenFirstRoute: false,
  subAside: {
    showIcon: true,
    showTitle: true,
    fixedAsideState: false,
    showCollapseButton: true,
  tabbar: {
    enable: true,
    mode: 'rectangle',
  copyright: {
    enable: true,
    dates: useDayjs().format('YYYY'),
    company: 'MineAdmin Team',
    website: 'https://www.mineadmin.com',
    putOnRecord: '豫ICP备00000000号-1',
