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JSX and TSX Development

In the 3.0 frontend, routing views not only support vue but also jsx and tsx as view files, offering developers different choices. Of course, you can also write tsx or jsx within vue files while maintaining traditional writing styles.

We strongly recommend setting the lang attribute of the script tag in vue to tsx.

<script setup lang="tsx">
// No need to explicitly import vue
const example = ref('hello world!')  
// Define a component with HTML tags
const customComponent = () => {
  return <div class="w-full text-red-5">{example.value}</div> 

    <!-- Output hello world  -->
    <div>{{ example }} </div>
    <!-- Output the component -->
    <component :is="customComponent()" />


You'll notice that there isn't much difference from the usual writing style, but when you directly write tags like <div> within the script tag, it becomes particularly convenient.

The above is just a simple example. Below are a few resources for further learning:
