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ma-pro-table is built on top of the ma-search and ma-table components, designed to quickly construct a complete CRUD functionality, thereby increasing your leisure time.


The built-in User and Role Management systems are the best practices for ma-pro-table CRUD. Refer to the documentation and actual examples to quickly master this component.

Note: This component no longer directly supports Add and Edit functionalities like 2.0 ma-crud did. These need to be implemented by yourself.


cellRenderTo Cell Rendering Plugin

Why does the cellRenderTo plugin exist?

First, rendering different content in cells is a very frequent scenario. Much of the code might be the same, only differing in parameters and field names. Therefore, when building ma-pro-table, we considered how to solve this problem.

Although ma-pro-table can natively render different content types like url, image, video, and even switch, the issue is that requirements are ever-changing. Built-in functionalities can never keep up with the growth of business needs. To avoid code redundancy, we introduced this plugin mechanism.

You can share your commonly used or business-specific cell rendering plugins on the app market to enrich cell rendering options, so everyone doesn't have to write the same things repeatedly.

Using Cell Plugins

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { MaProTableSchema } from "@mineadmin/pro-table";

const schema = ref<MaProTableSchema>({
  tableColumns: [
      title: 'Cell Rendering Example',
      prop: 'title',
      // Call the cell rendering plugin
      cellRenderTo: {
        // Plugin name, this plugin renders strings as el-tag, the only one built into ma-pro-table.
        name: 'tag', 
        // You can pass parameters required by the plugin
        props: {
          // This plugin doesn't require parameters, so we won't pass any.

  <ma-pro-table :schema="schema"/>

Registering Cell Plugins

To register a plugin, you need to import the useProTableRenderPlugin() method and then use it to register or remove plugins.

import { useProTableRenderPlugin } from '@mineadmin/pro-table'

useProTableRenderPlugin() returns the following methods:

  • addPlugin(plugin: MaProTableRenderPlugin): void: Register a plugin
  • removePlugin(pluginName: string): void: Remove a plugin
  • getPlugins(): MaProTableRenderPlugin[]: Get all registered plugins in ma-pro-table
  • getPluginByName(pluginName: string): MaProTableRenderPlugin: Get a plugin by its name
Click to view MaProTableRenderPlugin type description
nameCell rendering plugin name, unique identifierstring
renderRendering function, supports components, jsx, tsx, etc.Function

render function parameter description:

  • data type: TableColumnRenderer includes el-table's scope native parameters and ma-table extended parameters
  • props, external parameters passed through the props parameter when calling the plugin.
  • proxy type: MaProTableExpose Refer to the Expose section at the bottom of this chapter for details.

The documentation only explains how to register plugins. We need to use the addPlugin function to register.

The built-in tag plugin prototype is as follows:

import { h } from 'vue'
import { useProTableRenderPlugin } from '@mineadmin/pro-table'
import { ElTag } from 'element-plus'

const { addPlugin } = useProTableRenderPlugin()

// Register the plugin
  // Plugin name, unique identifier. If uploading to the app market, please include a unique prefix.
  name: 'tag',
  // Plugin rendering function, supports specifying other Vue components or directly writing tsx or jsx.
  render: (data: TableColumnRenderer, props: any, proxy: MaProTableExpose) => {
    return h(
      ElTag,  // Use el-tag for rendering
      props,  // Pass through external props parameters when calling the plugin
        default: () => data.row[props?.prop] // Use el-tag's default slot

ToolbarPlugin Toolbar Plugin

Table Toolbar


ma-pro-table also has slots to extend this area. If certain one-time functionalities are needed, use slots. If the entire system requires it, it is recommended to use the api for extension.

useProTableToolbar() returns the following methods:

  • get: (name: string) => MaProTableToolbar Get a tool's information
  • getAll: () => MaProTableToolbar[] Get all tools' information
  • add: (toolbar: MaProTableToolbar) => void Add a new tool
  • remove: (name: string) => void Remove a tool
  • hide: (name: string) => void Set a tool to not render
  • show: (name: string) => void Set a tool to render normally
Click to view MaProTableToolbar type description
nameTool name, unique identifierstring
renderRendering function, supports components, jsx, tsx, etc.Function
showWhether to show by defaultboolean
orderTool rendering order, the smaller the number, the earlier it appearsnumber

Extending the Toolbar

import { useProTableToolbar } from '@mineadmin/pro-table'
import CustomerTool from './CustomerTool.vue'

const { add } = useProTableToolbar()

  // Tool name
  name: 'heihei',
  // Specify the rendering component, a proxy parameter will be passed to the component, which needs to define props to receive it
  render: CustomerTool,
  show: true,
  order: 99,

<script setup lang="ts">
  // Define props to receive the proxy parameter passed by `ma-pro-table`
  import { MaProTableExpose } from "@mineadmin/pro-table"
  import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'

  const { proxy } = defineProps<{ proxy: MaProTableExpose }>()
  const execute = async () => {
    // Execute table refresh
    await proxy?.refresh?.()
    ElMessage.success('Table refreshed successfully')

  <!-- Add the circle attribute to make it a circular button, consistent with the system -->
  <el-button circle @click="execute">😀</el-button>


optionsma-pro-table parameter settingsMaProTableOptions1.0.0
schemama-pro-table schema configurationMaProTableSchema1.0.0


tableOptionsma-table parametersMaTableOptions-1.0.0
searchOptionsma-search parametersMaSearchOptions-1.0.0
searchFormOptionsma-form parametersMaFormOptions-1.0.0
idCurrent ID, globally unique, randomly generated if not specifiedstring-1.0.0
adaptionOffsetBottomBottom offsetnumber01.0.0
actionBtnPositionAction button placement, in auto mode, if the header is enabled, it appears in the header, otherwise in the top-left of the tableauto, header, tableauto1.0.0
headerHeader configurationSee Parameter Configuration-1.0.0
toolbarWhether to show the toolbarboolean, (() => boolean)true1.0.0
rowContextMenuRight-click configurationSee Parameter Configuration-1.0.0
requestOptionsList network request configurationSee Parameter Configuration-1.0.0
onSearchSubmitSearch submit event(form: Record<string, any>) => void-1.0.0
onSearchResetSearch reset event(form: Record<string, any>) => void-1.0.0


showWhether to show the headerboolean, (() => boolean)true1.0.0
mainTitleMain titlestring, (() => string)Table Main Title1.0.0
subTitleSubtitlestring, (() => string)-1.0.0


enabledWhether to enable row right-click menubooleanfalse1.0.0
itemsRight-click menu listContextMenuItem[]-1.0.0
ContextMenuItemDescriptionMenu list configuration description--
labelMenu display textstring, (() => string)-1.0.0
iconMenu display iconstring, (() => string)-1.0.0
disabledWhether to disableboolean-1.0.0
dividedWhether to show a dividerboolean-1.0.0
onMenuClickMenu item click event(data: { row: any, column: any, proxy: MaProTableExpose }, event: Event) => void-1.0.0


apiRequest API method(...args: any[]) => any-1.0.0
autoRequestWhether to auto-requestbooleantrue1.0.0
responseResponse structure configuration{ totalKey?: string, dataKey?: string }{ totalKey: 'total', dataKey: 'list'}1.0.0
requestPageRequest pagination configuration{ pageName?: string, sizeName?: string, size?: number }{ pageName: 'page', sizeName: 'pageSize', size: 10 }1.0.0
requestParamsDefault request parametersObject-1.0.0
responseDataHandlerPost-response data processing, note: must return the table data(response: Record<string, any>) => any[]-1.0.0
onEvent listRecord<string, (...args: any[]) => any>-1.0.0


searchItemsSearch item list configurationMaSearchItem[] Configuration-1.0.0
tableColumnsTable column configurationMaProTableColumns[]-1.0.0



Inherits from el-table-columns and ma-table's extended columns configuration. Below are the extended parameters.

typeOn top of el-table native types, adds operation, sort. The first is for operation columns, which can be extended via API, the second is for row drag sorting.string-1.0.0
cellRenderToRender cells using registered pluginsSee below for type-1.0.0
isRenderWhether to render the column, unlike hide, it won't show this column in the table settingsboolean & () => boolean-1.0.55
cellRenderProEnhanced cellRender, adds a second parameter proxy: MaProTableExpose(data, proxy) => VNode & string-1.0.55
headerRenderProEnhanced headerRender, adds a second parameter proxy: MaProTableExpose(data, proxy) => VNode & string-1.0.55
operationConfigureOperation column configuration, only effective when type is operationSee below for type-1.0.0
cellRenderTo Using Rendering Plugins


ma-pro-table cell rendering plugins must be registered before use.

nameCell rendering plugin namestring-1.0.0
propsAdditional parameters required by the pluginany, any[]-1.0.0
operationConfigure Operation Column


Operation Column can only be set via api. If it's too cumbersome, you can add a regular column in columns and implement it yourself using slots.

typeDisplay mode, dropdown: dropdown, tile: tilestring`
